Organizations/ companies who illegally broadcast shall in accordance with the Internet Audio-Visual Program Service Management Regulations be given punishments such as warnings, injunctions, or fines by SARFT. 对于违规播出的单位,广电影视行政部门将依据《互联网视听节目服务管理规定》予以警告、责令改正、罚款等处罚。
Results There were similarities and differences between the plan categories, beneficiary inclusion criteria, service control mechanism, related regulations, and fund resources between the two systems. 结果中美临终关怀计划在计划种类、受益人纳入标准、服务控制机制、出入案相关规定、资金来源等相关政策等方面存在异同点。
Inspirations of Guaranteed Standards Scheme for customer service regulations of water supply and drainage in UK to China's reform of water affair integration 英国供排水服务监管承诺标准要则对我国的启示
In case of any disaccord between the service regulations and this notice caused by the change in the service, please refer the announcement in the post office. 涉及业务规定发生变化与本须知内容不致时,以邮局公布的为准。
The machinists only pay lip service to the safety regulations and one day soon there is going to be a nasty accident. 机械师们对安全条例只是口头上表示遵守,总有一天要出大事故的。
Exhibitors are to bear the expenses for repair or display improvement in conformity with the fire service act and Exhibition regulations to insure safety. 为确保安全,根据消防服务法令以及展览会规章制定的规定进行修理或装饰改进,所产生的费用由参展方承担。
In units where no militia organizations are to be established, male citizens qualified for military service shall be registered for reserve service in accordance with the regulations. 不建立民兵组织的单位,按照规定对符合服兵役条件的男性公民,进行预备役登记。
The Director-General shall appoint the members of the staff of the Secretariat and determine their duties and conditions of service in accordance with regulations adopted by the Ministerial Conference. 总干事应任命秘书处职员,并依照部长级会议通过的条例,确定他们的职责和服务条件。
Only by strengthening the system construction from the establishment of limited government, the perfection of authority restriction, the simplification of administration, the consummation of the civil service regulations and so on, can we gradually overcome the bureaucratism. 只有从建立有限政府、健全权力制约、精简机构、完善公务员制度等几个方面加强制度建设,我们才能逐步地克服官僚主义。
To bring about fairness of document use in the public library, we must strengthen the public spirit, build the sharing resources and innovate the service regulations. 公共图书馆欲较好地实现文献利用的公平性,则强化公共精神、建设共享资源和创新服务制度三者均须充分重视。
Its objects are national medical service regulations and the patients 'rights of life and health; 本罪的客体是国家的医疗工作秩序和就诊人的生命、健康权;
The quality is of vital importance to enterprises, which is the sum total of characteristics and properties of products, process and service to meet some regulations and potential needs. 质量是企业的生命,是“产品、过程或服务满足规定或潜在要求(或需要)的特征和特性总和”。
The implementation of this act make clear the market in approve system of electronic attestation service and related regulations such as keeping secret of electronic signature, which will play an active role for doing e-business and trust problems produced in e-business. 《电子签名法》的实施,第一次明确了电子认证服务的市场准入制度和电子签名保密等相关规定,对解决电子商务、电子政务过程中产生的诚信度问题将起到积极作用。
This paper has discussed the ways to increase the quality of circulation service in libraries from different aspects, including the establishment of new service concept, enhancement of regulations construction, establishment of good environmental atmosphere and the enhancement of personal self-cultivation and personal glamour. 本文从不同的方面论述了提高图书馆流通服务质量的途径,包括树立服务新理念,加强规章制度的建设,创建良好的环境氛围和加强个人行为修养,提升个人魅力。
To inquire into the hospitalization management of consolidating the army patient according to new "interior service regulations", it is expounded in this article that ① practicing the management system of the personal responsibility; 为探讨依据新《内务条令》加强部队病员的住院管理,本文阐述了1落实管理责任制;
As the architecture, switching and transmission technologies of communication networks evolve, great changes have taken place in the service input processes service regulations of switches. 随着通信网络结构及交换与传输技术的发展,排队系统的业务输入过程、交换机的服务过程和服务规则已经发生了很大的变化,但它的基本模式和性能分析指标没有变化。
Our country civil service regulations are party's cadre system constituent, the official are the correct understanding and the implementation, the execution party's route, the policy, the policy main body. 我国公务员制度是党的干部制度的组成部分,公务员是正确理解和贯彻、执行党的路线、方针、政策的主体。
Methods In line with service contains of community nursing and regulations on nursing administration by upper governmental department, we regulated the check standards for community nursing quality and carried out the quality check over community nurses, especially family circulation. 方法针对社区的服务内容及上级有关护理管理的要求,制定了相应的社区护理质量检查标准,实施对社区护士特别是家居巡诊的质量检查。
The Research on Telecommunication Service Trade Liberalization and the Government Regulations of Telecommunication Service Industry 电信服务贸易自由化与电信服务业的政府规制研究
The wage system is in the civil service regulations one of most core parts, it is directly relating the entire civil service regulations operation actual effect. 工资制度是公务员制度中最为核心的部分之一,它直接关系着整个公务员制度的运作实效。
Administrative service center which is adapted to the construction of a service-oriented to the request of the government is built up, administrative service center internal management regulations as norms of administrative service center operation and development, their research is of great theoretical and practical significance. 行政服务中心正是适应了建设服务型政府这一要求而建立起来的。行政服务中心内部管理规章制度作为行政服务中心运行和发展的规范,对其研究具有重大的理论和现实意义。
Military Service Law and its corresponding single regulations which provided the complete systems for mobilization system. 《兵役法》及其相配套的实施法令及单行法规,为战时兵员动员提供了完整的动员体系。
Broadly looked that it connected the civil service regulations from employment to the promotion, to resign or to retire this one whole set procedure. 从广义上看,它连接了公务员制度从聘用到晋升、辞退或退休这一整个流程。
The other corporations of the industry will imitate the service regulations in order to pursuit competitive advantage, which result in the establishment of the products 'criterion. 行业内部的其他企业出于对竞争优势的追求,便会对优秀企业的服务规范进行模仿,从而导致行业的产品规范形成。
And improves our country the civil service system of examining and assessment, is raises the government public management level and the serviceability objective request, strengthens the reality request which the civil service troop constructs, also is consummates the civil service regulations the inevitably request. 而改进公务员评价考核制度,将能提高政府公共管理水平和服务能力,加强公务员队伍建设,也是完善公务员制度的必然要求。
The provincial civil service department local government regulations or local government regulations in the form of the following normative documents, unified clearly defined at all levels of posts in the set standards and principles. 省级公务员主管部门可以地方政府规章或地方政府规章以下规范性文件的形式,统一明确规定各级各类职位的资格设置标准和原则。
Along with the "civil law"," the civil service examination regulations" promulgated and implemented, the civil service examination gradually embarked on a system to change, standardization of the road. 随着《公务员法》、《公务员考核规定》的颁布实施,公务员考核逐步走上了制度化、规范化的道路。
Find that administrative service centers internal management rules and regulations enacted, implementation and monitoring aspects of different levels of certain issues, and its members conducted an in-depth analysis. 发现行政服务中心内部管理规章制度的制定、执行、监督和反馈等环节都存一定的在问题,并对其成因进行了深刻的剖析。
The educational decision-making modes in different phases in different countries will all stand for certain interests and service their interests regulations both consciously and unconsciously. 任何国家或社会发展不同阶段的教育决策模式,都是自觉或不自觉地站在一定利益立场上,为一定的利益协调目的服务。